Posts tagged "Remote work"

Working remotely in a non-remote company

We’re a small team here at Guava, and we’ve always considered ourselves remote friendly. Most of us work remotely every now and then pushed by varied force majeure situations— be it the flu, the need to supervise renovation or construction work at home, flash floods near the office, receiving guests at home or any number of other situations. We’ve also had a few of us working remotely for a few days or weeks while traveling to or back from a conference, or when visiting relatives that live out of town. In other words, remote working has always been a very temporary and circumstantial thing among us.

We have a nice office (with hammocks!), excellent work equipment, great desk space, comfortable chairs, plenty of snacks and comfort food and an infinite supply of coffee. We’re also easygoing and overall pleasant people (well, most of us are) to work with several hours a day, and some of us are even mildly funny.